Games Like Piano From Above Similar Music Games & Piano Trainers like Piano From Above

Piano From Above is described as 'Program that turns learning the piano into a videogame. You can open any MIDI file and simply play the notes as they fall' and is a Music Game in the audio & music category. There are more than 10 alternatives to Piano From Above for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad and Android apps. The best Piano From Above alternative is Synthesia, which is free. Other great apps like Piano From Above are Sightread, SeeMusic, Neothesia and Symphonium.

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Piano From Above alternatives are mainly Music Games but may also be Piano Trainers or Audio Recorders.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Piano From Above.
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Piano From Above is a program that turns learning the piano into a videogame. You can open any MIDI file and simply play the notes as they fall.

More about Piano From Above
Piano From Above alternatives page was last updated Mar 19, 2024
  1. QMidiPlayer icon
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    A free cross-platform midi file player based on libfluidsynth and Qt.

    8 QMidiPlayer alternatives
    QMidiPlayer screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • Flathub
    • Windows

    QMidiPlayer Features

    1.  Support for MIDI
    2.  No registration required
    3.  Ad-free
    4.  Filtered midi mapping
    5.  QT Based
    QMidiPlayer iconPiano From Above Icon

    QMidiPlayer VS Piano From Above

    Is QMidiPlayer a good alternative to Piano From Above?
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