PhotoPlace Alternatives
PhotoPlace is described as 'A tool for geotagging your photos and ... much more!' and is an app in the travel & location category. There are four alternatives to PhotoPlace for a variety of platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iPhone apps. The best PhotoPlace alternative is GPicSync, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like PhotoPlace are Geotagger, Photogpseditor and GPS Map Camera: Geotag Photos.
- Free • Open Source
- 3 likes24 GPicSync alternatives
GPicSync automatically inserts location in your photos metadata so they can also be used with any 'geocode aware' application like Picasa/Google Earth, Flickr,, etc.
GPicSync VS PhotoPlace
Is GPicSync a good alternative to PhotoPlace? - 1 like4 Geotagger alternatives
Geotagger 2.0 is a droplet for inserting GPS coordinates into your photos. Simply position Google Earth (version 4+ only) over the location you wish to insert into your images, then drag your images (jpegs only) onto the Geotagger icon. Once the images are tagged the informati.
Geotagger VS PhotoPlace
Is Geotagger a good alternative to PhotoPlace? - 1 like4 Photogpseditor alternatives
PhotoGPSEditor home page. PhotoGPSEditor is an editor for automatically matching GPS tracking data (latiyudes and longitudes) with the location at which a photo was taken. The information is then added to the meta-data asscoaiated with the file.
Photogpseditor VS PhotoPlace
Is Photogpseditor a good alternative to PhotoPlace? - Like this app14 GPS Map Camera: Geotag Photos alternatives
When was the last time you talked to someone to tell you where are you?Probably,that would be some long time back.With this navigation app GPS Map camera:Geotag Photos & add GPS Location,on a smartphone, you can survive even in the middle of nowhere.
GPS Map Camera: Geotag Photos VS PhotoPlace
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