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Pepperplate icon



Pepperplate is the way to seamlessly manage your recipes, menus and shopping lists on the web, Android Tablet and Android Phone.

Pepperplate screenshot 1

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  • Windows  For Windows 8 and higher in Windows Store
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad
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Pepperplate information

  • Developed by

    Pepperplate Inc.
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    28 alternatives listed

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Home & Family

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Apr 1, 2023
  •   2.45 avg rating
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Pepperplate was added to AlternativeTo by boban40 on Jan 30, 2017 and this page was last updated Oct 12, 2021.
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What is Pepperplate?

Manage Recipes: Eliminate stacks of books and piles of paper in the kitchen. Create and edit your own recipes or import from popular recipe sites by pasting a URL. Create unlimited categories to organize your recipe library.

Create Menus & Cook: Plan menus for special events or regular meals. Take your device into the kitchen and cook your menu with multiple cooking timers. Cook Mode prevents screen from dimming on your device

Plan Meals and Share: Organize your week by adding recipes to the schedule. Share your favorite recipes with friends and family via Email, Facebook and Twitter. Scale recipes to make the right amount.

Make shopping lists: Add recipes, menus and other items to your shopping list. Automatically arrange your shopping list the way you shop in the store. Carry your shopping list with you and add to it in store.

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