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The orDrumbox is a free drum machine software, creative, with unusual features : auto-composition, polyrythmes, arpeggiator, automatic sounds/track , custom softsynths, lowfi rendering, etc. This tools can compose bass line and complete songs!.

V 0.9.30 on ubuntu
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  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
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OrdrumBox information

  • Developed by

    OrDrumbox Team
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
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    23 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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What is OrdrumBox?

orDrumbox - Free Drum Machine Software for Windows, mac OS X and Linux. The orDrumbox use Natural Language Processing for matching sounds to tracks and to "categorize" sounds. It's an amazing and powerfull feature. Just name a track with a "standard like" name of instrument (i.e: "electric bass 1" or just "bd" ) and the orDrumbox will assign it to the nearest instrument available in the current drum kit. A soft synth with available and can generate sounds unsing an analog synth emulation : two VCO generator, FM modulation, enveloppe ADSR controler, low pass / hi pass filters. You can create songs by assembling various patterns. It's up to you to determine the number of beats in each pattern (16 or 32 or whatever). Each pattern is composed of tracks (as many as you want). Each track corresponds to one sound. The tracks/sounds can be pitched and mixed and panoramized, and solo/muted/ with the interface. Polyrhythms capabilities: Add a loop point at the step you want, independently on each track. Each track is composed of notes (one note by beat). On each note, you can independently control pitch (from -12 to +12 semitones) and volume. Some notes can be loop point or scale notes The number of different sounds is not limited, neither the number of tracks in a pattern, nor the number of patterns in a song. A midi importation/exportation is available, so you can import midi files or export your songs as midi file. orDrumbox can play in midi mode using an internal GMkit. orDrumbox can send midi message to any midi device connected to your computer. orDrumbox can recieve midi message to any midi device connected to your computer. The orDrumbox generates and exports songs and individual patterns in 16 bits /44 Khz/stereo sounds CD-quality, so you can re-use them in any other sound application. Automatic composer and arpeggiator.

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