OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows natural language in the sum and multi-line support so you can go back and adjust your previous calculations on the fly.
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- ydn368 added OpalCalc as alternative to Modular Calculator
- Ence rated OpalCalc
- POX added OpalCalc as alternative to MATE Calculator
- POX added OpalCalc as alternative to RPN Calculator
Comments and Reviews
I have a couple of personal nitpicks about this program but they are all rendered null by how much all the other programs like it suck in comparison. Calcpad is far to unstable, Parsify requires internet access to work properly and has way too many issues, Calca is windows store only and is too limited, also only has white theme no dark mode. Most of the other options don't run on windows.
Since I am working a lot with number, prices, and misc calculation, I need an easy calculating app that shall at least mimic how easy it was writing calculation on paper.
This app have it. It can also save a group of calculation into files or export it to spreadsheet, which is good to create a template of simple calculation like I used on projects or application development proposals.
Plus, this app have method to stay on top of other app and global shortcut. Mapping the shortcut to UHK make it really easy to use.
It is freemium, the free version gives you 5 lines of calculation. If you are a casual user, free version might be good for you, but for a more serious person, you might want to pay for it, and get a full benefit of this application.
Still the best plain-text calculator for daily use for me. And it can also be used for complex calculation.
This is a gem of a calculator. Super-easy and every conversion you can think of, including the all-important currency conversions with auto-updating rates. Most functions and features are intuitive: just type the calculation pretty much as you would say it out loud and OpalCalc will probably understand what you need to do. But if you get stuck the user guide online is quite detailed and full of examples.
Also: developer is responsive and helpful.
It has 2 panes, the left can contain variables and it is easy to use. You can save sheets of calculations if you wish.
Insanely underestimated calculator, it offers many user friendly options and can convert also units and currencies in a breeze. It's also insanely resizable and fast to open. I recommend it over any other graphical calculator.