The easy way to setup, build & release flutter apps for iOS on Linux, Windows and macOS.
Odevio is a tool to help developers setup and release their Flutter apps on iOS. Thanks for checking it out.
A tool for developers by developers.
To start using Odevio simply download it on our website.
Start by creating an account
Your Odevio account is now created and you can either start a build machine in configuration mode : to configure XCode or test your app in the iOS simulator.
Or you can build an IPA or release your app by linking your Apple Developer Account to Odevio and creating an app identifier
To create the IPA to install on a physical device for testing purposes
To publish directly to the App Store
Your build failed ? No worries, you can check the logs with
All documentation is in the docs directory and online at If you are getting started this is how we recommend you use the docs :
First read our installation instructions.
Next, check how to setup your app with Odevio at and build your Flutter app to iOS .
Finally, if you want to know every option Odevio has to offer check our reference guide
Our mission is to reduce the time it takes to setup, build and release Flutter apps on iOS to the bare minimum.
The tool allows developers working alone or in teams and on multiple OS (Linux, Windows, MacOS) to build and publish their apps easily to the app store.
What can Odevio be used for?
It allows you to setup the XCode project on a remote MacOS machine if you do not own one.
It manages common iOS specific settings for your team : certificates, devices, provisioning profiles, bundle IDs, Xcode configuration files, ...
It builds your Flutter app on remote iOS machines.
It hosts the iOS app artifacts or publish them to the App Store.