"Note-C" is a very simple application for collecting your notes, snippets and any other piece of text without limiting access to your entries and offering extensive export-features.
- Snippets Manager
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What is Note-C?
"Note-C" is a very simple application for collecting your notes, snippets and any other piece of text without limiting access to your entries and offering extensive export-features.
Features of Note-C:
Saving your entries: Every single entry will be stored in a separate file and you can freely choose where your entries should be saved to. Note-C automatically creates a covenant folder hierarchy where you can find your entries fast, even outside of Note-C. Additionally all entries will be saved in the open txt-file-format so you can open your entries in many text-editors. You keep full control over your entries.
Creating multiple notebooks: Note-C allows you to create multiple notebooks, so you can diverse your entries by topics and projects.
Special editor and fullscreen-modes: The editor of Note-C offers a lot of features to make writing more efficient and spare you using the mouse, like automatic list-creation (* and - signs) or moving of text-passages with keybourd-shortcuts. Additionally you can set the look of the editor to your preferences: Colors of text and background, font-size and -type, text-margins and more.
Also, Note-C offers the well known fullscreen-mode (Lion and Mountain Lion) and a distraction-free mode where you can concentrate on your text wholefully.
Collecting external files: You can add to each entry files which will be stored in a separate folder. Note-C offers options to view these files in Note-C itself or to open the files with an external application. Please Note: Files can't be added directly within the text.
Markup-Support: Note-C supports following markup-languages: Markdown, Textile, BBCode, Wikitext, HTML und Smark. Next to shortcuts for bold- and inverse-type and headlines. Further you can use markup while exporting your entries.