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Neor Profile SQL icon

Neor Profile SQL


MySQL free GUI tool for profiling SQL queries. The Neor Profile SQL is the solution for developers providing to profile the MySQL queries. This software allows the tracking of all queries to MySQL server from your application or website. The SQL profiler helpful use:

  • It show.
Main statistics

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
3 / 5 Avg rating (1)
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  1.  User Session Recording
  2.  Slowest database queries

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Neor Profile SQL information

  • Developed by

    Neor LLC
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    21 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category


Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Neor Profile SQL, and it has gotten 5 likes

Neor Profile SQL was added to AlternativeTo by neoru on Jan 8, 2013 and this page was last updated Jun 12, 2020. Neor Profile SQL is sometimes referred to as Profile SQL.

Comments and Reviews

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ReviewNov 10, 2023

It used to work and very good honestly but recently it was blocked by Cortex saying it has malware in sqlprofiler binary from macos app.


What is Neor Profile SQL?

MySQL free GUI tool for profiling SQL queries. The Neor Profile SQL is the solution for developers providing to profile the MySQL queries. This software allows the tracking of all queries to MySQL server from your application or website. The SQL profiler helpful use:

  • It shows how does your application use the database
  • It optimizes the SQL queries
  • It reduces the number of queries to the database