Mykademy’s progressive platform helps in connecting the world’s finest tutors with students across the globe. We provide online educators with state-of-the-art technology and support that facilitate sharing your unique & valuable knowledge and growing your audience while...
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Online Training
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What is Mykademy?
Mykademy’s progressive platform helps in connecting the world’s finest tutors with students across the globe. We provide online educators with state-of-the-art technology and support that facilitate sharing your unique & valuable knowledge and growing your audience while being rewarded for it, easily and efficiently.
We help you create, build and sell your own unique and valuable website and online courses to the knowledge-hungry student population online.
Transform your unique and valuable knowledge into a successful career in online education. Create, build and sell your own brand, website and courses with our state of the art technology and support. Earn revenue with a wider audience reach.
With Mykademy, start earning in 3 easy steps. Create, build and sell your own online courses and give wings to your edupreneural dreams!