MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder Alternatives
MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder is described as 'MTG Search contains all cards published in Magi The Gathering since 1993. Search for cards using :
- textual search (words contained in the title, description, type...)
- filters (color, CMC, edition...)
- a combination of both' and is an game in the games category. There are 2 games similar to MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder for Android, iPhone and iPad. The best MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder alternative is Manabox, which is free.
- 1 like2 Manabox alternatives
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Manabox VS MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder
Is Manabox a good alternative to MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder? - Like this app2 MTG Card Scanner Delver Lens alternatives
Delver Lens (DL) is a scanner for Magic the Gathering cards designed to organize your collection. You can use DL to point your phone's camera to cards and quickly get a list of all the cards you own.
MTG Card Scanner Delver Lens VS MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder
Is this a good alternative to MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder?