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Motiongraph icon


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motiongraph is a smartphone application that creates unusual images in which part of the image moves like a video. Amaze your friends with these unique images that are limited only by your imagination.

Motiongraph screenshot 1

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  • Android
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  2.  Capture Video

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Motiongraph information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    18 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Video & Movies

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Motiongraph was added to AlternativeTo by nfsmaster on Jul 14, 2013 and this page was last updated Oct 7, 2021.
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What is Motiongraph?

motiongraph is a smartphone application that creates unusual images in which part of the image moves like a video. Amaze your friends with these unique images that are limited only by your imagination. Note: Our test has shown that the app does not work correctly with Xperia Go. We are currently studying our workaround to the problem. This app is developed by Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc. (SDNA) Overview: •Easy three steps motiongraph allows you to create your image in three simple and intuitive operations.

  1. Shoot: Tap a button to record a very short video about 2 seconds in length.
  2. Edit: Swipe across the screen to define the areas that you want to move or not to move.
  3. Save: Tap a button again to save your work, and you’re done! •Share your images motiongraph makes it easy to share the images you create.

motiongraph shares a thumbnail link to Facebook. Your friends can view your image simply by clicking the link.

motiongraph posts a link to your image to a tweet or into the body of an e-mail, making it easy for your audience to view your image no matter what computer environment they may be using. •View the creations of others from within motiongraph When you start motiongraph, images shared by others around the world are displayed. •Editing features to fine-tune your image motiongraph has a range of features to enhance your control of your image and to improve your picture quality. -Adjust camera settings such as focus, white balance, and exposure. -Reduce jitter taken from moving camera by Sony’s Image Stabilization Technology -Specify the start point (In point) and end point (Out point) for the moving part of the image. -Adjust playback speed and control the smoothness of the playback For more information, refer to: Permissions:

  • To read, store, and access storage history of picture files -To upload the image created, to post the link to SNS, to display the images created by others