MOTD Maker icon
MOTD Maker icon

MOTD Maker


This program was written to make it easy to generate MOTD files that contain bold and underline formatting along with the 8 colours you can use. Currently the program allows you to output as raw ASCII (control characters saved as ASCII 027) or as the characters `027 (this is...

ugly winxp screenshot

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows
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MOTD Maker information

  • Developed by

    David Cannings
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    11 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about MOTD Maker, and it has gotten 6 likes

MOTD Maker was added to AlternativeTo by tabakis on Oct 21, 2010 and this page was last updated Oct 25, 2019.

Comments and Reviews

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CommentNov 15, 2017

The software has been left as an archive. I hope it still works. I just want a simple, quick way to colour my ASCII art. This appears to be exactly what I want.


What is MOTD Maker?

This program was written to make it easy to generate MOTD files that contain bold and underline formatting along with the 8 colours you can use. Currently the program allows you to output as raw ASCII (control characters saved as ASCII 027) or as the characters `027 (this is suitable for pasting into the editor joe, which I used before I discovered vim). There is a subtle irony that it is a Windows program to create MOTD files for Unix servers however it was written when I was remotely administering Linux machines and had no access to them as a desktop development environmen