Mirrored.to (Formerly Mirrorcreator.com) is a file mirroring web application service launched in 2008. It is the easiest and most convenient way to create multiple mirrors of your files by hosting it on various top file hosting sites. Its ease and simplicity made it one of the top file mirroring services on the internet.
Upload once, we do the rest
All you have to do is upload your files once to us. We'll automatically mirror them to the hosting sites of your choice. You'll be provided with an aggregate link which will contain download links of all the selected hosts.
Upload to your own accounts
Your files are stored on your own accounts on hosting sites so that you have 100% control of your data. Uploads without registration is also possible if the hosting sites you choose allow anonymous file uploads.
Over 40 hosts to choose from
Select your favorite hosting sites from a list of over 40 top hosts. This includes popular cloud storage sites like Google Drive, Mediafire, Zippyshare, Yandex Disk etc. Our list also contains dedicated video streaming hosts.
Uploading tools & methods
You may upload files via web browser, or use remote URL uploading where you could import a file directly from a link, or use our Windows Uploader Tool. We also offer a simple API for secure file uploading.
Monetize links using shorteners
We offer a method to earn money from the download links of your file using URL shortening services such as adf.ly, ouo.io or exe.io. This can be directly integrated within your Mirrored.to account.
Secure, Reliable and Free
Your files are permanently deleted from our servers once they are uploaded to the hosting sites. We have mirrored over 10 million files so far. Our service is rock solid, very reliable and completely free!
Comments and Reviews
Mirrorcreator is very good.
Unlike ZOOM, this program never fails an upload. I've uploaded thousands of files and i never seen it fail. The only problem for me is they don't work with filefactoty. If it wasn't for that it would be perfect.