m3o Minesweeper
In m3o you play on a shared mine field and when playing you can select from different flags to place on the game field. If every cell on the game field was as small as a speck of dust it would take 17 billion years at the speed of light to travel the width of the board.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
- Online
- Multiplayer
- Online Gaming
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m3o Minesweeper information
What is m3o Minesweeper?
In m3o you play on a shared mine field and when playing you can select from different flags to place on the game field. If every cell on the game field was as small as a speck of dust it would take 17 billion years at the speed of light to travel the width of the board. If you want to compete m3o keeps track of your score and lets you compete for a position on the daily and hourly leaderboards.
Said about m3o Minesweeper as an alternative
A recreation of what mienfield was, as good as it was !
an infinite board played synchronously by other people ! dizzying and fun.
Comments and Reviews
lacks some of the features that were in Mienfield but it's still the best alternative to that multiplayer minesweeper !