M1 Finance is a first-of-its-kind automated investment platform that lets people create, organize, and automate an investment portfolio. A user selects their investments and specifies the percentage of money that goes into each. Once the account is set up, it's as easy to manage as a savings account. You simply deposit or withdraw money and all trades are automatically completed for you. The difference is your money is in investments of your choosing rather than sitting idle in a bank.
M1 Finance enables:
Custom portfolios: M1 Finance looks at portfolios as customizable pie charts – where each slice can represent a stock, ETF or even another pie. The intuitive graphical interface makes it easy to select the securities that make up one or more pie, with the ability to change the portfolio at any time.
Automatic rebalancing: M1 Finance dynamically rebalances the portfolio as funds move in and out – using contributions to buy underweight positions and withdrawals to sell overweight positions. In addition, investors can rebalance portfolios at any time with a click of the button.
Fully invested: M1 Finance enables clients to be fully invested in their pre-defined portfolio at all times. As such, it offers next-day availability of most funds and the ability to purchase fractional shares – ensuring that every penny is put to work.
Commission-free investing: M1 Finance is an investing platform, not a trading platform. As such, it does not charge commissions to buy and sell individual securities. Instead, the company charges a minimal 0.35 percent annual platform usage fee, regardless of the number
Comments and Reviews
Puts me in control and doesn't crash.
M1 is one of the easiest to use investing platforms I have ever used.
M1 allows me to automate my own custom portfolio for no cost