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Live Auto Refresh

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This plugin enables live hot reloading functionality for WordPress theme development, as well as detecting content saves in the backend for automatic browser reloading.

Times out after 10 minutes if no detected changes

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Wordpress Gutenberg
  • Wordpress
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  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Privacy focused


  1.  Ad-free
  2.  Live Preview
  3.  No registration required
  4.  No Tracking
  5.  Auto-Refresh

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Live Auto Refresh information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    19 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Live Auto Refresh was added to AlternativeTo by perron on Nov 2, 2023 and this page was last updated Nov 2, 2023.
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What is Live Auto Refresh?


One of the challenges of web development is to ensure that the website instantly reflects the latest changes made in the code or the content. Manually refreshing the browser after every edit can be tedious and is inefficient and inconvenient.

Some web development tools such as Live Reload provide a feature that instantly reloads the browser when any theme file code is edited during development or when a content edit is saved, which enables the developer to see the updated version of the website in browser as soon as the changes are saved in the code editor. No additional actions are required to view the results.

This AUTO REFRESH plugin integrates this functionality with WordPress theme development, as well as detecting content saves in the backend for automatic browser reloading. This feature is only visible to logged in administrators, so it does not affect the experience of live website visitors.

This greatly enhances the productivity and accuracy of web development. It allows the developer to test and debug the website in real time and to instantly view how the content appears on the front end of all loaded logged in browsers and devices. With this feature, the developer can always ensure that the website matches the intended design and functionality.