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LimeTorrents icon



Limetorrents is a torrent search engine and directory which do NOT host torrent files but links to torrents hosted on other websites. We try to keep Limetorrents family-safe, so adult submissions or search are not allowed.

LimeTorrents screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Online
Use with caution

Flagged as potentially breaking copyright or other laws

4 / 5 Avg rating (4)
0 news articles


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  2.  Torrent Search Engine
  3.  Live Broadcasting

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LimeTorrents information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4
  • Alternatives

    28 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

File Sharing

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about LimeTorrents, and it has gotten 60 likes

LimeTorrents was added to AlternativeTo by Torrent on Nov 13, 2011 and this page was last updated Jan 29, 2025.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentJul 9, 2018

they use less ads on site that make me feel good to stay on site for long time :)

Ian Dorfman
Top negative commentJul 17, 2017

LimeTorrents has had no social media presence for almost seven years (seeing as its Facebook has been deleted and its Twitter account hasn't seen a post since November of 2010). Taking a quick glance at the website itself, its lineup of torrents has devolved into low quality and relatively unseeded torrents with and abundance of pornography that has flooded every section. I can't recommend its use to anyone in good conscience.


What is LimeTorrents?

Limetorrents is a torrent search engine and directory which do NOT host torrent files but links to torrents hosted on other websites. We try to keep Limetorrents family-safe, so adult submissions or search are not allowed.

We do NOT have any copyrighted or illegal content on Limetorrents, and we do NOT host torrent files on our servers. The torrent information we save does not have torrent files AND does not have files that can be copyrighted. We are in correspondence with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and general international copyright laws. However, we offer a service to remove torrents information from our website if the copyright holder of the content requests so.

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