Lamplighter is a slick open source Mac OS X application for presenting PDFs and songtexts on a projector or secondary screen. It does nothing else, but what it does it does better than any many others.
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- Free • Open Source
- Mac
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- Ballfoot added Lamplighter as alternative to Cloud of Worship
- crse added Lamplighter as alternative to Cantara
- crse added Lamplighter as alternative to FreeShow
- crse added Lamplighter as alternative to Floodlight Presenter
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Office & ProductivityWhat is Lamplighter?
Lamplighter is a slick open source Mac OS X application for presenting PDFs and songtexts on a projector or secondary screen. It does nothing else, but what it does it does better than any many others.
- Add Songs by clicking on the add button in the Songs drawer.
- Import songs from Easislides by drag-and-dropping the Easislides exported XML file into the Songs drawer.
- Add PDFs to Lamplighter by dragging them into the PDF drawer. Present them by double-clicking on the page you would like to present.
- Search for songs using the dame technology as Spotlight. E.g. a search for "song this" will yield all songs which have "this" and "song" in their title or description. Dead simple and dead fast.
- Drag important songs or PDFs from the drawer into your "Playlist" for immediate access.
- When you have no second screen/projector attached, what you would see on the projector is shown in a preview window.