We bring you KRON - a sleek, cosmically-inspired interface to see life’s moments flow along a stylish interactive arc of time. Combine and view multiple calendars and more without the clutter and headache of a conventional desktop calendar - see the threads of your life in an entirely new way! With our innovative design and features, we are proud to be hand-picked winners of the Apple App Store "Apps We Love".
KRON is created for the high performance graphics of the iPhone. Use familiar gestures to seamlessly glide through time. Pan from minutes to days, weeks, months and years, and back again for heightened awareness of how you spend time. Easily find the patterns and rhythms of life with an effortless pinch-zoom and simple swiping gesture to sweep across your time horizon.
In KRON’s newest version release, events in your orbitals are interactive. Tag important events by adding a glow, view event details, and time 'jump' to focus events in the 'beam' with a touch.
Beyond iCal, Google and Outlook calendars (any calendars that open on your iPhone), KRON displays your iPhotos, Videos, Health Data, Spotify Music Listening History, and up-to-the-minute News Feeds and more. Viewing different streams of data together affords a keen perspective on when you’re totally busy and when you have free time, what you were listening to and when - giving valuable context.
KRON’s plasma is a beautiful first-in-class visualization of your data over longer timescales. See your data in an aurora borealis-like plasma over months to years or a timescale of your choice. Customize your plasma with over 10 independent controls in the 'Mission Control' (via the new '…' button) - dial in on your favorite view of life trends in real-time - an exclusive feature only available on KRON.
Introduced in the December 2020 release, KRON features animated Word Clouds showing trends from select News outlets over the past year. This collection of Word Clouds are accessed through the Mission Control.