Kloxo-MR icon
Kloxo-MR icon



This is special edition (fork) of Kloxo with many features not existing on Kloxo official release (6.1.12+).

This fork named as Kloxo-MR (meaning 'Kloxo fork by Mustafa Ramadhan').

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux
  • Online
  • Self-Hosted

The latest update is from July 2019.

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Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  2.  Server Management
  3.  Admin panel
  4.  WebDAV Support
  5.  File Hosting
  6.  Configuration

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Kloxo-MR information

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    36 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 0 comments and reviews about Kloxo-MR, and it has gotten 4 likes

Kloxo-MR was added to AlternativeTo by neo2shyalien on Apr 1, 2015 and this page was last updated Jul 3, 2023.
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What is Kloxo-MR?

Kloxo-MR Features

OS: Redhat/CentOS 5 and 6 (32bit and 64bit) or their variants Billing: AWBS, WHMCS, HostBill, TheHostingTool, AccountLab Plus and Blesta (note: claim by billing's author) Web server: Nginx, Nginx-Proxy and Lighttpd-proxy; beside Httpd and Lighttpd (in progress: Squid, Varnish, Hiawatha, ATS and Httpd 2.4) *) Php: Dual-php with php 5.3/5.4 as primary and php 5.2 as secondary (in progress: multiple-php) *) PHP-type for Apache: php-fpm_worker/_event and fcgid_worker/_event; beside mod_php/_ruid2/_itk and suphp/_worker/_event Mail server: qmail-toaster instead special qmail (in progress: change from courier-imap to dovecot as imap/pop3) *) Database: MySQL or MariaDB Database Manager: PHPMyAdmin; Adminer, MyWebSql and SqlBuddy as additional **) Webmail: Afterlogic Webmail Lite, Telaen, Squirrelmail, Roundcube and Rainloop; Horde and T-Dah dropped FTP server: Pure-ftpd DNS Server: Bind and Djbdns; add Powerdns, MaraDNS, NSD, myDNS and Yadifa *) Addons: ClamAV, Spamassassin/Bogofilter/Spamdyke and RKHunter Fixed many bugs of Kloxo Official (including security issues) And many more!