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Kitchenese icon



Recipe discovery using inventory matching. Reduce food waste by using up leftover ingredients.

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Kitchenese screenshot 2
Kitchenese screenshot 3

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Mac
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android
  • Android Tablet
  • Online
4.2 / 5 Avg rating (4)
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  1.  Ad-free
  2.  Food Costing
  3.  Food suggestions

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Kitchenese information

  • Developed by

    Kitchenese, LLC
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4.2
  • Alternatives

    35 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Home & Family

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Feb 5, 2024
  •   5 avg rating

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Kitchenese, and it has gotten 8 likes

Kitchenese was added to AlternativeTo by Paul on Jan 19, 2024 and this page was last updated Jan 19, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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ReviewFeb 8, 2024

I have three needs and I didn't find Kitchenese met any of them. First, I want to extract a recipe from a URL. Second, I want to use meal planning to generate a grocery list. Third, I want to only see vegan recipe suggestions, although suggestions are crucial to me personally. Otherwise, this seems like nice software but didn't fit my needs. I would look forward to checking out a future version.


What is Kitchenese?

Match your pantry and perishables, such as meat and produce, to recipes!

Kitchenese is a unique tool that helps you reduce food waste. With a combination of recipe searching and food inventory tracking, users can both explore new cuisines and learn ways to use up perishable ingredients such as meat, vegetables, fruits, and staple pantry ingredients.

Do you cook with others? Household profiles allow you to to keep separate user accounts but share a recipe and inventory database.

Do you create your own recipes? Kitchenese has a recipe creation tool that allows you to keep either a private database of recipes or publish them to share with other users.

Have you ever wanted to start your own food business? Kitchenese has unique tools for current and aspiring food business owners to financially plan out a new venture. Whether it's a food truck, coffee shop, restaurant, bar, or any other food business, Kitchenese helps you estimate your profit using recipe costing tools, labor and wage tools, and a menu designer.

Create an account today to start learning new recipes and explore new cuisines!

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