Recipe discovery using inventory matching. Reduce food waste by using up leftover ingredients.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- iPhone
- iPad
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Online
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- ting267 added Kitchenese as alternative to Recipe Book
- mihaibob added Kitchenese as alternative to Cooking Journal
- POX added Kitchenese as alternative to WhatDinner
- BigJthefunkmaster liked Kitchenese
- PantryLab added Kitchenese as alternative to Pantry Lab
- justarandom added Kitchenese as alternative to MealPrepPro
- POX added Kitchenese as alternative to kitshn
- POX added Kitchenese as alternative to ManageMeals
- aslamhabibulloh added Kitchenese as alternative to Prepvil
- zohaib123 added Kitchenese as alternative to Recipify: 5000+ Recipes
Comments and Reviews
I have three needs and I didn't find Kitchenese met any of them. First, I want to extract a recipe from a URL. Second, I want to use meal planning to generate a grocery list. Third, I want to only see vegan recipe suggestions, although suggestions are crucial to me personally. Otherwise, this seems like nice software but didn't fit my needs. I would look forward to checking out a future version.