Native HTML5's Drag & Drop
KingComposer utilises it's own unique UI core to bring you a highest performance, smoother Drag & Drop experience. Including sortable, resizing, droppable, movable and so on.
All actions happen instantly
Ajax actions takes a long time to happen? KingComposer don't use Ajax in Backend or less in Frontend. All actions and changed are completed instantly and without fault!
Fully Copy/Paste Elements
Feel free to copy any element you want and paste it anywhere you need. All copy-paste actions are executed immediately - even copy and paste on between different browser tabs.
Unlimited Containers
There is no limit to the amount of rows and containers KingComposer allows. Allow you imagination to run wild! KingComposer will take care of all the technical aspects.
Flexible Columns
Support 5 columns layout, plus the ability of doubling the last column’s content and sorting columns in a row. Last but not least, it allows you to re-size the column width by a mouse click & mouse drag.
Advanced KC Box
All in One Element: This special element is eager to WOW both End User and Developer since it helps you to build any complex page at ease. Thanks to it, you will be able to design static elements, drag & drop nodes, set attribute, import & export HTML code, visualize CSS properties for each node and more.
WP-Widgets & 3rd-party widgets compatibility
KingComposer is compatible with all default WordPress widgets as well as 3rd party plugins, so it will work smoothly with both newly-created websites and a few plugins built in, as well as huge websites with dozens of plugins added.
Sections Manager
Rows form a section. You will be able to install a section, add a screenshot to it or edit row amount inside. This is an outstanding tool for theme authors – who need to pack and deliver sample data to their customers.
And much more things are waiting for you discover.