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Kajero is designed to make it really easy for anyone to create good-looking, responsive, interactive documents. Somewhat like Jupyter / iPython notebooks, but for JavaScript!

Kajero screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
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  • Linux
  • Online
  • Self-Hosted
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Kajero information

  • Developed by

    Joel Auterson
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    22 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Kajero was added to AlternativeTo by David on May 18, 2016 and this page was last updated Oct 29, 2016.
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What is Kajero?

Kajero is designed to make it really easy for anyone to create good-looking, responsive, interactive documents. Somewhat like Jupyter icon Jupyter / iPython notebooks, but for JavaScript!


It's just Markdown - a Kajero notebook is just a Markdown document with a script attached. Every notebook is fully editable in the browser, and can be saved as Markdown or HTML. Notebooks can also be published as Gists, generating a unique URL for your notebook. JavaScript code blocks can be executed. They're treated as functions, with their return value visualised. Kajero can visualise arrays and objects, similar to the Chrome object inspector. Code blocks can be set to run automatically when the notebook loads. They can also be set to hidden, so that only the result is visible. Data sources can be defined. These will be automatically fetched when the notebook is loaded, and made available for use inside code blocks. Includes Reshaper, for automatic reshaping of structured data. Includes D3, NVD3 and Jutsu, a very simple graphing library which uses Reshaper to transform arbitrary data into a form that can be graphed.