jq Alternatives
jq is described as 'Is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text' and is an app. There are eight alternatives to jq for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Mac, Windows, Web-based and Android apps. The best jq alternative is fx, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like jq are sq, Json List, jello and Unquery.
- Free • Open Source
fx VS jq
Is fx a good alternative to jq?- 1 like8 sq alternatives
sq is a free/libre open-source data wrangling swiss-army knife to inspect, query, join, import, and export data. You could think of sq as jq for databases and documents, facilitating one-liners like: sq '@postgres_db | .actor | .first_name, .last_name | .[0:5]'
sq VS jq
Is sq a good alternative to jq? - 1 like18 Json List alternatives
Json List is a lightweight, easy to use app that lets you open any JSON file and displays it in user-friendly list format. It supports Material You dynamic color.
Json List VS jq
Is Json List a good alternative to jq? - 1 like4 jello alternatives
jello is a command line tool that filters JSON data using pure python syntax.
jello VS jq
Is jello a good alternative to jq? - 1 like3 Unquery alternatives
The query language Unquery is a fast, powerful and flexible language for querying structured documents. It was originally developed as the query language for XCiteDB, a fast and reliable noSQL database for structured documents, supporting XML, JSON, and other features such as...
Unquery VS jq
Is Unquery a good alternative to jq? - 5 likes10 Dadroit JSON Viewer alternatives
Quickly view, search, and export large JSON data with ease. Open 1GB JSON files in just seconds. Use RegEX and JSONPath to easily search through the data. Export JSON files to XML in both minified and formatted versions.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
Dadroit JSON Viewer Features
Dadroit JSON Viewer VS jq
Is Dadroit JSON Viewer a good alternative to jq? - 1 like4 Emuto alternatives
Emuto is a small language for manipulating and restructuring JSON and other data files. Emuto is inspired by jq and GraphQL.
Emuto VS jq
Is Emuto a good alternative to jq? - Like this app12 Advanced JSON Viewer alternatives
Advanced JSON Viewer transforms raw JSON data into an elegant, interactive viewing experience right in Safari.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- iPhone
- iPad
Advanced JSON Viewer Features
Advanced JSON Viewer VS jq
Is Advanced JSON Viewer a good alternative to jq?