JMSToolBox Alternatives
JMSToolBox is described as '"Universal" JMS Browser able to interact with numerous Q providers in a consistent manner. Currently has plugins for IBM WebSphere v8.5+m IBM MQ v7.0+, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, OpenMQ, JBoss HornetQ, SonicMQ, TIBCO ems' and is an app. There are 2 alternatives to JMSToolBox for Mac, Windows and Linux. The best JMSToolBox alternative is JMS Browser. It's not free, so if you're looking for a free alternative, you could try Hermes JMS.
- Free • Open Source
- 3 JMS Browser alternatives
JMS Browser by mercatis: View, browse, filter and copy your Messages in Queues and Topics easily from a powerful Eclipse based user interface. Supports JBoss, Glassfish, Tibco, ActiveMQ, Weblogic and others.
DiscontinuedThe program is no longer updated. Last version, 2.6, released in April 2013, can be still bought from the official website.
JMS Browser VS JMSToolBox
Is JMS Browser a good alternative to JMSToolBox? - 3 Hermes JMS alternatives
Hermes provides a Swing GUI to access JMS queues and topics for common tasks such as sending messages, removing messages and copying messages between queues and topics.
DiscontinuedThe installable version from the site will not run under Java 8. It will still work if you install Java 7. Last Update: 2013-05-15. See
Hermes JMS VS JMSToolBox
Is Hermes JMS a good alternative to JMSToolBox?