

JMIBBrowser is a java based MIB Browser. It supports GET and SET queries for SNMP enabled devices. MIB Files can be dynamically loaded and can be browsed in the MIB Tree. It is a great tool if you want to get started with the SNMP protocol.

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What is JMibBrowser?

JMIBBrowser is a 100% java based (and 100% free) MIB Browser. It supports GET and SET queries for SNMP enabled devices. MIB Files can be dynamically loaded and can be browsed in the MIB Tree. It is a great tool if you want to get started with the SNMP protocol.


100% Java based, can run on any OS with JDK1.3 installed. Supports SNMP-V1 mibs. You can dynamically load new mibs into the existing tree using the “Load Mib” button at the bottom-left corner of the browser. Standard mibs included with this package. To include mib files every time the browser starts, just copy it into the “mibs” folder. All files in that folder will be automatically loaded. Provides Get feature for single node, tables as well as for entire tree. Provides Set feature (Only String values). “Details” button to get the details about the node selected in the tree. You can also type in a OID in the OID text field to directly query its values. Wildcard () is supported in OID field, must be at the end of the OID. For Example, “.” gets the values of System group. Range of numbers can be specified (useful for querying tables) Example, “.” gets the details for the interfaces. A log file “mibbrowser.log” for all the activities is created in the folder running the browser. Download

Download files from Installation Instructions

Extract contents of the zip file in a folder. Make sure that you have JDK1.3 or later installed on your machine and the BIN directory is in the system path. (You should be able to run “java” from command line). Go to the directory in which you have extracted the files, and run “mib.bat” (or Enjoy !