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inWORD Bible


Now searching and studying the Bible can be as simple as if you were using an online search engine. Bible study software for your Windows PC made simple, yet powerful!.

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  • Windows
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  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription that costs $1 per month.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    36 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about inWORD Bible, and it has gotten 5 likes

inWORD Bible was added to AlternativeTo by Peter Chou on Jan 31, 2019 and this page was last updated Sep 27, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Lanette Thompson
Top positive commentSep 7, 2020

I LOVE the InWord Bible study app!

My husband and I use its “Through the Bible in 1 Year” reading program daily. There are a couple of especially unique features about this aspect of the app. First, one of its novelties is that the reading plan gets you through the Old Testament in a year, but through the New Testament twice! I love that the reading plan is ambitious about getting users exposed to scripture. Second, what I especially love about the reading program is that you can select to listen to the daily scripture readings from more than a dozen listening options that include people simply reading scripture or from assorted dramatizations of scripture. I usually listen and read along at the same time.

It’s also intuitive and easy to use, but in making it user-friendly InWord hasn't cut any corners on its utility. It provides a richness of resources that I’ve not seen in any other Bible app. This is what I find especially remarkable about the app—the richness of its search functions and resources. A user can click on a verse number and be led to countless articles, essays, and commentaries related to that verse. So, for those thorny verses that you’ve long had questions about, a variety of possible explanations are just a click away. Moreover, users aren’t charged extra to access these resources. ALL OF THEM come along automatically with the annual subscription.

It also has simple to use search functions that allow you to see the interlinear of a particular verse. Another search option allows for a comparison of a translation of a particular verse across more than 40 translations of the Bible! What other Bible app does that?

Incredibly, InWord also has a library of scripturally themed music and videos. When I’m stressed or working in the kitchen, I enjoy listening to the music play list.

Finally, there is also a desktop version of InWord that I use routinely when I'm working on Bible study topics. It's just as easy to use as the app, and again provides a treasure trove of extra-biblical resources.

In sum, this app isn't just about reading the Bible. If you want to examine the scriptures daily (Acts 17:11) and probe deep questions, InWord is the app for you. As for me, InWord has truly revolutionized my Bible study, personal devotions, and deepened my walk with God. I wouldn’t want to go a day without it! I'm deeply grateful to the developer/s!

Geoff Hutchinson
Positive commentOct 29, 2020

It has to be one of the simplest to use Bible study apps that I have come across, and I've tried just about every one of the alternatives out there. It's pretty neat that it has linked so much of the Bible text to extra-Biblical resources such as commentaries and articles. The only other app that comes close to doing the same thing is Logos, but Logos is extremely complex and unfriendly to use. inWord seems to have been late to the game and therefore seems to be little known among most Bible app users.

[Edited by numlycom, October 29]


What is inWORD Bible?

Finally, Bible study software made simple. Lightning-fast word searches, passage searches and topic searches. Includes 4 dozen Bible versions, dozens of commentaries, interactive maps, Greek and Hebrew interlinears, a historic timeline, tens of thousands of images, videos and audio files to enhance your Bible study. All of this without the clutter that is so prevalent in most Bible study software. inWORD's interface is so easy to use and intuitive, that you’ll be up and running and searching and studying the Bible like a pro in only a few minutes.