Installous AlternativesTop App Stores & Software Installers like Installous
Installous is described as 'The successor to install0us, Installous is an installer for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. It indexes download links for cracked .ipa files on AppTrackr and lets you install downloaded files on your device' and is a popular App Store in the os & utilities category. There are three alternatives to Installous for Web-based, iPhone, Linux and Android. The best Installous alternative is AppCake, which is free. Other great apps like Installous are iPAST0RE and FAI.
- App Store
- Free • Proprietary
- 20 FAI alternatives
FAI, Fully Automatic Installation, is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large-scale infrastructures like clusters and cloud...
License model
- Free • Open Source
- Linux
FAI Features
- Configuration Management
- System management
- Disaster Recovery
FAI VS Installous
Is FAI a good alternative to Installous?