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Insight is a version of GNU Project Debugger that uses Tcl/Tk to implement a graphical user inter-face. It is a fully integrated GUI, not a separate front-end program.

Console window

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Tcl

The project is no longer developed. Last version, 6.8-1, released in July 2009, can be still downloaded from the official website

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  1.  Debugging
  2.  C++
  3.  Graphical User Interface

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Insight information

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    8 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Insight was added to AlternativeTo by mer30hamid on Jul 3, 2014 and this page was last updated Mar 25, 2022.
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What is Insight?

Insight is a version of GNU Project Debugger icon GNU Project Debugger that uses Tcl/Tk to implement a graphical user inter-face. It is a fully integrated GUI, not a separate front-end program. The interface consists of several separate windows, which use standard elements like buttons, scrollbars, entry boxes and such to create a fairly easy to use interface. Each window has a distinct content and purpose, and can be enabled or disabled individually. The windows contain things like the current source file, a disassembly of the current function, text commands (for things that aren't accessible via a button), and so forth.