Hyperdeck is a notebook environment for front-end programming, making it easy to analyze data, run code, and write documents using standard web technologies.
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DevelopmentWhat is Hyperdeck?
Focus on front-end design and programming with Hyperdeck notebooks. Hyperdeck can be used to write documents, prototype websites, or anything else that can be done in a browser.
Hyperdeck is just HTML/CSS/JS - edit front-end documents, store and share in the cloud Code, data, and document are combined into a single package Upstream changes to code or data flow seamlessly into the final document Analysis is easy to reproduce Data is a first-class citizen, editable as CSV/TSV/JSON/YAML Documents live in a cloud filesystem, with easy sharing, forking, and versioning Markdown and MathJax are supported Pull in Javascript libraries with <script> tags to do what you need Documents are sandboxed in an iframe served from a separate domain, so that untrusted code has limited capabilites