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Data about 13 000 public - federal, state, provincial and local - campgrounds in the US and Canada: latitude/longitude of every campground, interactive street/topographical maps, and downloadable data files for your GPS or laptop mapping software. screenshot 1

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What is

It is all here, on one map and at your fingertips: All 13,000 US and Canada (vehicle-accessible) public campgrounds, with accurate lat/lon for your GPS or smart phone, campground amenities, phone numbers and web links for both the campground itself and it's reservation system. Includes all National Park, National Forest, State Park and Provincial campgrounds, all BLM, TVA and Army engineers and military-only campgrounds. Most regional, county, city and utility-owned are also included.

We include only vehicle-accessible, family campgrounds with 4 or more campsites - whose existence and location we can verify. We want to be sure you find an actual family campground when you drive there. We try to tell you if you need a 4 wheel drive or high-clearance vehicle. (no backpack-in, boat-in, horse camps or group-only camps). We do include some selected "boondocks" (no facilities), (we call "dispersed") We will tell you if you need to take a ferry or if a short walk to the sites is required. We do not include privately owned campgrounds.

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