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With Hostme, maximize your restaurant seatings through advanced reservation management, table management, waitlist management and customized loyalty programs - all from a completely customizable app.

Hostme screenshot 1

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  • Windows
  • Online
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  1.  Tablet support
  2.  Restaurant Reservation

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  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    17 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Travel & Location

Apple AppStore

  •   Updated Aug 25, 2023
  •   4.43 avg rating
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Hostme was added to AlternativeTo by yurykonovalov on Mar 25, 2017 and this page was last updated May 19, 2023.
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What is Hostme?

With Hostme, maximize your restaurant seatings through advanced reservation management, table management, waitlist management and customized loyalty programs - all from a completely customizable app.

RESTAURANT RESERVATIONS SYSTEM Accept reservations from your website or the mobile app while protecting your restaurant from no-shows and avoiding double-booking.

TABLE MANAGEMENT Seat more guests with one-click table assignment capability and restaurant occupancy tracking on a totally customizable floor map.

WAIT LIST Maximize your host stand's efficiency and eliminate costly pager losses by tracking wait times and sending guests an SMS when their table is ready.

RESTAURANT LOYALTY SYSTEM Quickly and easily create a custom loyalty program so you can fill tables on slow days, reward your guests, and get to know your customers.

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