Program your thermal printer!
This application is an IDE which helps you to create tickets and stickers in your thermal printer using programming.
To give you the maximum freedom it leverages Perl, custom emojies, QR code generation, a file format that contains your generated ticket and the ability to import PNG images and your system fonts.
This is a paid application, as soon as you enter the program you will be shown the paywall, you can skip the payment to allow you to properly test the program. Even if it is paid, the source code is available under a free software license so you can adapt and redistribute the software however you want.
Currently standard ESC/POS printers and cheap aliexpress Cat-Printers are supported, if you have a non supported thermal printer and a webcam to record the printer working drop us an email so we can give support to your printer.
I plan the generated tickets to have the capability to be used from PoS systems, receive parameters or be used from server applications creating docker images and servers to print .exd files, this is currently WIP, this app is a cool toy by the moment.