Hex Colors Alternatives
Hex Colors is described as 'Hexcolor.co gives information about colors including color models, triadic colors, monochromatic colors and analogous colors calculated in color page. HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web' and is an website in the photos & graphics category. There are six alternatives to Hex Colors, not only websites but also apps for Windows, Linux and KDE Plasma. The best Hex Colors alternative is Pixie, which is free. Other great sites and apps similar to Hex Colors are Color Picker Tray, ColorPic, ColorMania and Instant Color Picker.
- Free • Proprietary
- 43 likes72 Pixie alternatives
Small utility that can show you coordinates and color of any pixel on your screen in different formats (HEX, HTML, RGB, CMYK, HSV). It's staying on top, displays a color of that pixel under mouse cursor, the program can magnify that zone w/ hotkey.
Pixie VS Hex Colors
Is Pixie a good alternative to Hex Colors? - 2 likes52 Color Picker Tray alternatives
KDE Plasma color picker widget for the system tray.
Color Picker Tray VS Hex Colors
Is Color Picker Tray a good alternative to Hex Colors? - 20 likes78 ColorPic alternatives
Ever tried using a color picker on a high resolution monitor? Its impossible. Thats why this color picker has a magnifier attached. Grab palettes of up to 16 colors at once and use four advanced color mixers to select a spectrum of possibilities.
ColorPic VS Hex Colors
Is ColorPic a good alternative to Hex Colors? - 13 likes81 ColorMania alternatives
ColorMania is a colorpicker for Windows. It's the perfect solution for previewing, identifying, testing and organizing color values. It can be a very difficult job to get your colors right for a unique or appealing design.
ColorMania VS Hex Colors
Is ColorMania a good alternative to Hex Colors? - 16 likes73 Instant Color Picker alternatives
With Instant Color Picker (ICP), you can quickly pick colors from screen and store them.
Instant Color Picker VS Hex Colors
Is Instant Color Picker a good alternative to Hex Colors? - Like this app61 Free HTML Color Picker alternatives
Pick color from screen, in RGB and HTML code formats, easily and quickly!.
Free HTML Color Picker VS Hex Colors
Is this a good alternative to Hex Colors?