HackerTyper Alternatives

HackerTyper is described as 'Troll your friends and coworkers!' and is an website. There are five alternatives to HackerTyper, not only websites but also apps for Windows. The best HackerTyper alternative is Hoacks, which is free. Other great sites and apps similar to HackerTyper are EssayTyper, GeekPrank.com, Online Hacker Simulator and GEEKtyper.

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Troll your friends and coworkers!

Go to www.hackertyper.net Start typing. Code will pop up. Have fun :).

More about HackerTyper
HackerTyper alternatives page was last updated Mar 14, 2021
  1. Hoacks icon

    Hoacks is a simple prank website that looks like a computer hacker's screen created for trolling purposes. It also contains a hidden message that can only be discovered by real computer hackers.

    4 Hoacks alternatives
    Hoacks screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Online

    Hoacks Features

    1.  Custom Brushes
    Hoacks iconHackerTyper Icon

    Hoacks VS HackerTyper

    Is Hoacks a good alternative to HackerTyper?
    Comments about Hoacks as an Alternative to HackerTyper

    its a funny prank i pulled on a friend he thought it was real

    Positive commentDec 27, 2020
    HackerTyper Icon
    Hoacks icon
    • Almost everyone thinks Hoacks is a great HackerTyper alternative.

    • Hoacks is the most popular Web-based alternative to HackerTyper.

    • Hoacks is the most popular free alternative to HackerTyper.

    • Hoacks is Free and ProprietaryHackerTyper is Free and Open Source
  2. EssayTyper icon

    Develop a plan or some options showing how you might help individuals engage in an understanding on technology use in the curriculum

    7 EssayTyper alternatives
    EssayTyper screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Online
    EssayTyper iconHackerTyper Icon

    EssayTyper VS HackerTyper

    Is EssayTyper a good alternative to HackerTyper?
  3. GeekPrank.com icon

    Prank your friends by secretly opening this website on their computer while they're away. Wait for them to return and watch their reaction

    7 GeekPrank.com alternatives
    GeekPrank.com screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Online

    GeekPrank.com Features

    1.  Geeky
    GeekPrank.com iconHackerTyper Icon

    GeekPrank.com VS HackerTyper

    Is GeekPrank.com a good alternative to HackerTyper?
  4. Online Hacker Simulator icon

    This interactive online hacker app will let you simulate that you're hacking a computer or a digital network. Adjust the screen in the Start menu, open and minimize the windows and play with them.

    5 Online Hacker Simulator alternatives
    Online Hacker Simulator screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Online

    Online Hacker Simulator Features

    1.  Geeky
    Online Hacker Simulator iconHackerTyper Icon

    Online Hacker Simulator VS HackerTyper

    Is this a good alternative to HackerTyper?
  5. GEEKtyper icon

    "Hack" like a programmer in movies and games! GeekTyper was inspired by the various media where hacking is usually portrayed incorrectly.

    5 GEEKtyper alternatives
    GEEKtyper screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows
    • Online
    GEEKtyper iconHackerTyper Icon

    GEEKtyper VS HackerTyper

    Is GEEKtyper a good alternative to HackerTyper?
    • GEEKtyper is the most popular Windows alternative to HackerTyper.

    • GEEKtyper is Free and ProprietaryHackerTyper is Free and Open Source
5 of 5 HackerTyper alternatives