Google Chrome Developer Tools icon
Google Chrome Developer Tools icon

Google Chrome Developer Tools


The Google Chrome Developer Tools provide an integrated environment for debugging, optimizing, and understanding a web application, or website, running in Google Chrome. The developer tools are developed partly through the WebKit open source project, where the tools are called...

Google Chrome Developer Tools screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Google Chrome
4 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Web page Debugging
  2.  HTTPS Support
  3.  Support for Javascript
  4.  Web inspector

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Google Chrome Developer Tools information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    17 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Google Chrome Developer Tools, and it has gotten 154 likes

Google Chrome Developer Tools was added to AlternativeTo by mer30hamid on Dec 3, 2011 and this page was last updated Mar 25, 2020. Google Chrome Developer Tools is sometimes referred to as Chrome DevTools, Google Developers, Chrome Developer Tools, DevTools.

Comments and Reviews

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Thelle Christensen
Top positive commentAug 16, 2012

The developer tool built into Chrome is great resource both for understanding HTML and CSS and in web development generally. For me it made web development much more accessible and easier to understand.

CommentFeb 28, 2012

I feel like it would be an exaggeration to consider this as a separate app from Google Chrome itself. One of my favorite parts of Chrome is that it has developer tools built-in.


What is Google Chrome Developer Tools?

The Google Chrome Developer Tools provide an integrated environment for debugging, optimizing, and understanding a web application, or website, running in Google Chrome. The developer tools are developed partly through the WebKit open source project, where the tools are called Web Inspector.

Here are some of the things you can do with the Chrome Developer Tools: Live edit DOM and CSS to master your web page looks. Debug JavaScript using graphical debugger with advanced breakpoints support. Analyze the execution time of all your functions to improve the speed of your app. Trace reflows and repaints as your app loads. Explore what is stored within HTML5 local storage databases.