go49g+ AlternativesCalculators & Graphing Calculators like go49g+
go49g+ is described as 'Commercial HP 49G+ / 50G emulator for android' and is a Calculator in the education & reference category. There are seven alternatives to go49g+ for Windows, Linux, Android, Mac and Windows Mobile. The best go49g+ alternative is WabbitEmu, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like go49g+ are Emu48, TilEm, Virtual TI and AlmostTI.
filter to find the best alternatives
go49g+ alternatives are mainly Calculators but may also be Graphing Calculators. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of go49g+.- Calculator
- Paid • Proprietary
- 14 likes15 WabbitEmu alternatives
Wabbitemu - An accurate emulator/debugger for the TI-73, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+(SE), TI-84+(SE), TI-84+CSE, TI-85, and TI-86.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
WabbitEmu Features
WabbitEmu VS go49g+
Is WabbitEmu a good alternative to go49g+? - 3 likes8 Emu48 alternatives
The HP48 Emulator Emu48 was originally created by Sébastien Carlier and is published under the GPL. The latest version of Emu48 can emulate a HP38G, HP39G, HP40G, HP48SX, HP48GX and a HP49G. The emulator is running on all Win32 platforms and the Mobile version should run on...
Emu48 VS go49g+
Is Emu48 a good alternative to go49g+? - 2 likes10 TilEm alternatives
TilEm is a TI Calculator Emulator that uses Gtk.
It supports: All Z80 TI calculators (73, 82, 83, 83+, 83+ SE, 84+, 84+ SE, 85, and 86) except the TI-81, and all known ROM/OS versions Virtual linking (through libticables) Flash writing and erasing Application and OS loading.
TilEm VS go49g+
Is TilEm a good alternative to go49g+? - 5 likes13 Virtual TI alternatives
Virtual TI, or "VTI," is a feature-rich graphing calculator emulator for Microsoft Windows, written in C++ by Rusty Wagner. It features a graphical debugger, a grayscale display, data transfer between computer and emulated calculator, black-link, parallel link and more.
Virtual TI VS go49g+
Is Virtual TI a good alternative to go49g+? - Like this app13 AlmostTI alternatives
AlmostTI turns your Android device into a Texas Instruments graphing calculator. It fully emulates TI-84+, TI-84+ Silver Edition, TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver Edition, TI-73, TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, TI-82, and TI-81 calculators made by Texas Instruments.
AlmostTI VS go49g+
Is AlmostTI a good alternative to go49g+? - Like this app15 TI-Smartview alternatives
TI-SmartView™ CE software emulates the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators on a PC or Mac®, making it an ideal demonstration tool for leading classroom instruction of math concepts.
TI-Smartview VS go49g+
Is TI-Smartview a good alternative to go49g+? - Like this app7 x49gp alternatives
Emulator of the newer Hewlett Packard Handheld Calculator Models with ARM CPU (HP49g+ HP50).
x49gp VS go49g+
Is x49gp a good alternative to go49g+?