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Geotag Metadata Editor for Your Digital Photos.

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    Proprietary and Commercial product.
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  • Supported Languages

    • English

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GeoTagEd was added to AlternativeTo by vittorino on Aug 15, 2016 and this page was last updated Sep 9, 2022.
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What is GeoTagEd?

Can’t remember the names of the places where each of your photos is taken? Instead of having to label every photo with where and when it was taken, it’s all done automatically for you.

GeoTagEd reverse geocodes and retrieves the name of the nearest known location, city, state or province, and country, where the photo was taken. Your photos should have geotag data embedded for this feature to work.

The retrieved address is saved with the photo for easy access next time. You can stamp retrieved address on the photo and make your photos more beautiful and more informative.