The aim of FretXMaster is to make you know and fully master the notes of the guitar
Mastering the notes of the guitar is often neglected by self-taught guitarists
Without realizing it, they miss an essential tool to progress
FretXMaster is a complete training in 6 modules divided into 61 units that will guide you step by step towards the perfect knowledge of the guitar fretboard.
- You will have a full understanding of what you are playing: notes, chords, scales ...
- You will be much more comfortable in improvisation
- It will help you be able to read a music score (not only a tablature)
The disadvantage of the classical methods of learning is that over time, all that one learns ends up being forgotten
FretXMaster is based on the spaced repetition system to anchor everything you learn in your memory at the long run
FretXMaster is like a personalized coach: Every day it will tell you exactly which units to review according to your past results
Thus, the least mastered units will be proposed more often than the units you master most
This allows to review the units at the right time: Neither too early (because it is useless), nor too late (because it is already forgotten)