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Express Animate

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Express Animate is free animation software that gives you the ability to animate shapes, text and imported images. You are also able to enhance your movie projects in post-production using key-frame motion animation, masking, dummy objects and more.

Express Animate screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Windows
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Express Animate information

  • Developed by

    NCH Software
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    40 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Photos & Graphics

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Express Animate was added to AlternativeTo by nch on Sep 10, 2019 and this page was last updated Sep 10, 2019.
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What is Express Animate?

Express Animate has advanced tools for experienced animators and graphic designers, including vector masks, blending modes and a graph editor for precise animation. Add life to your characters. Animate separate body parts or group multiple objects together to optimize the animation process. Get creative with applying transformations and effects to image objects. Quickly convert a color object to black and white or sepia. Enhance an object by adjusting color temperature or saturation. Use key frames with the object properties to motion tween, zoom, rotate and more.

Animation Software Features: Add video and image files to your movie canvas Objects can be moved, resized, rotated and more Apply digital effects, such as brightness, contrast, negative and more Key frames can be applied to each object and parameter Add text to your video project Create animated text and text bubbles Add audio tracks or record audio Apply effects to audio tracks Group objects for easy editing Add masks to an object Export as video, flash, html5 or an animated GIF Free and easy to use

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