embedded Operating System (embOS), is a Real-time operating system, developed by the Company SEGGER Microcontroller. embOS is designed to be used as a foundation for the development of embedded real-time applications for a wide range of microcontrollers.
embOS is an RTOS for all embedded applications. embOS is written from scratch by the SEGGER Microcontroller company using Ansi C and assembler. Other features are:
unlimited amount of tasks (only limited by the amount of available memory)
preemptive scheduling with up to 232 priorities
Round Robin with adjustable time-slices for tasks with equal priority
adjustable time resolution (default is 1ms)
software timers
low power and multi-core support
safe communication among tasks using:
task events with up to 32 events per task
event objects
resource and counting semaphores
full interrupt support
API can be called from assembly, C and C++ code
In addition to embOS, embOS-MPU offers memory protection by using the hardware's memory protection unit as well as additional software mechanisms to prevent one task from affecting the entirety of the system.