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EasyOrg icon



EasyOrg is a Task Management and Personal Project Management app. Your data is store in regular text files in Emacs org-mode format. You can write your tasks and notes in an editor or by using a graphical user interface.

EasyOrg screenshot 1

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  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
5 / 5 Avg rating (2)
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  1.  Privacy focused


  1.  Full-Text Search
  2.  Subtasks
  3.  Calendar View
  4.  Reminders
  5.  Task Time Tracking
  6.  Goal Tracking
  7.  Ad-free
  8.  Works Offline
  9.  Live Preview
  10.  WYSIWYG Support
  11.  Dark Mode
  12.  Goal Setting
  13.  Hierarchical Structure
  14.  Syntax Highlighting
  15.  Kanban Board
  16.  No registration required
  17.  File Versioning
  18.  No Tracking
  19.  Notifications
  20.  Knowledge Management
  21.  Org-mode
  22.  Knowledge base
  23.  EMACS


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  • playmobilmeister liked EasyOrg
    6 months ago
  • EasyOrg reviewed EasyOrg  
    11 months ago

    Good alternative to Emacs org-mode. If you like to use text files to keep track of your tasks then EasyOrg is great. I especially like he search and filtering within theagenda view.

  • EasyOrg updated EasyOrg
    11 months ago
  • EasyOrg liked EasyOrg
    11 months ago
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EasyOrg information

  • Developed by

    PlumaSoft AB
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) ranging between $39 and $49.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    5 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Office & ProductivityBusiness & Commerce

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about EasyOrg, and it has gotten 3 likes

EasyOrg was added to AlternativeTo by Martin on Feb 14, 2023 and this page was last updated Mar 5, 2024.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMar 5, 2024

Good alternative to Emacs org-mode. If you like to use text files to keep track of your tasks then EasyOrg is great. I especially like he search and filtering within theagenda view.

Positive commentFeb 20, 2023

This is good software. It allows the easy straightforward viewing, editing and working with org-mode formatted documents. I've moved to org-mode after using todo.txt for many years. It keeps the simplicity of a plain text file but adds more flexibility. Easyorg fills the same spot on my Linux laptop as Beorg on the iPhone and Orgzly on the aged android tablet. In all cases the same files can worked on using Nextcloud as a sync. I could and do use orgmode. It's just that Easyorg is ... easier and includes most of what I would usually use in org mode.

The best part is the sense that the software is under active and responsive development. It is really nice when emails get quickly answered and especially with a "we are just about to add that in the next update" So if it's not exactly what you want right now the chances are that it could be very soon.

It's not open source and there is paid version (which I am using) but you can use the free version to get things done and although I like open source if my money is helping good development then that's fine by me.

So if you are using org-mode then I'd recommend trying Easyorg and if you're not then I still recommend exploring. Have fun!


What is EasyOrg?

EasyOrg is a Task Management and Personal Project Management app. Your data is store in regular text files in Emacs org-mode format. You can write your tasks and notes in an editor or by using a graphical user interface. The Agenda and Calendar views make it easy to see what is most important and urgent to do today and this week. Another preview panel shows you a rendered version of your document and there i also a Kanban view to easily get an overview of your tasks.

There is support for things such as scheduling, priorities, effort, tags, hierarchy, custom properties and more.

You can link between tasks both within the same file and other files including backlink support.

Powerful search capabilities with a focus on org-mode. File versioning including diffing as well as autosave is built in, but optional.

Org syntax highlighting as well as a syntax validation and linting tool is provided.

All your data are stored offline, but you can use almost any tool to sync to cloud services, NAS, phones, backups etc thanks to it's plain text format.

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