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Earworm Audioflashcards icon

Earworm Audioflashcards

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Earworm Audioflashcards was born from a desire to be more efficient. Memorizing information can be slow and tedious, and can take up a good amount of study time. At its core, Earworm is a flashcard app that allows a user to record prompts and responses and keep track of their...

Earworm Audioflashcards screenshot 1
Earworm Audioflashcards screenshot 2
Earworm Audioflashcards screenshot 3

License model

  • FreeProprietary

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  • Android
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  1.  Learn with Flashcards

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Earworm Audioflashcards information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    76 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Earworm Audioflashcards was added to AlternativeTo by jhol on Mar 11, 2019 and this page was last updated Mar 11, 2019.
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What is Earworm Audioflashcards?

Earworm Audioflashcards was born from a desire to be more efficient. Memorizing information can be slow and tedious, and can take up a good amount of study time. At its core, Earworm is a flashcard app that allows a user to record prompts and responses and keep track of their study progress.

What sets Earworm apart from other memorization apps is that it allows one to study while performing other tasks. Rather than just play recordings, Earworm keeps auditory study sessions interactive by using simple voice commands to navigate a study session, such as repeating a card or marking an answer correct or incorrect.

Anybody who has to memorize and retain large amounts of information or anybody who prefers auditory learning can benefit from this app.