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Dink Smallwood


Dink Smallwood is a humorous role-playing video game. The game has a small but constant fan following that continues to develop add-ons for the game more than a decade after its release.

Dink Smallwood HD on Ipad

License model

  • FreeProprietary


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Dink Smallwood information

  • Developed by

    Robinson Technologies
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    34 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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  •   Updated Aug 14, 2022
  •   4.65 avg rating
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Dink Smallwood was added to AlternativeTo by camis on Feb 12, 2012 and this page was last updated Sep 9, 2022.
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What is Dink Smallwood?

Dink Smallwood is a humorous role-playing video game. The game has a small but constant fan following that continues to develop add-ons for the game more than a decade after its release.

The game centers on Dink, a pig farmer-turned-hero who embarks on various quests throughout his world. The game features isometric, Zelda-like gameplay, including weapons, items, and magic. The game has a satirical off-color slant, including everything from a fiercely abusive uncle to a town that worships ducks. Dink is never freed from the grievances of being a pig farmer, a fact he is far too often reminded of by his nemesis, Milder Flatstomp.

Dink starts out as a pig farmer, living a normal life in his village, Stonebrook. His father is said to have disappeared, leaving him behind in a small village with his mother. Somehow, as he is outside, his house burns down, killing his mother. He is then told to go out of his village, into the world to find his aunt, and start living a new life with her. Along the way, he hears of a powerful and sinister group known as the Cast whose nefarious deeds are threatening the kingdom. Dink eventually makes it his quest to defeat this mysterious cult. After that, he goes in the Darklands to kill the mighty evil, Seth.

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