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DiffFork icon



DiffFork is a diff tool for Mac OS X. DiffFork can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual format.


License model


  • Mac  10.5+, Intel only

The program is no longer updated. Last version,, released in 2012, can be still downloaded from the official website.

4 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  File Comparison
  2.  Synchronization
  3.  Merge Files
  4.  Compare Text
  5.  Folder Comparison


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DiffFork information

  • Developed by

    Weipin Xia
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    46 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

File ManagementDevelopmentBackup & Sync

Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about DiffFork, and it has gotten 2 likes

DiffFork was added to AlternativeTo by mxxcon on Mar 28, 2014 and this page was last updated Aug 30, 2017.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentApr 12, 2015

In search of diffing software for OSX, I have tried Beyond Compare, DiffMerge, FileMerge, P4Merge, Kdiff3, and now finally DiffFork. My primary use is diffing LaTeX documents, not code.

DiffFork is my favorite, by far. It has a three abilities not found anywhere else together: word wrap, editing (within the diff window), and sensible color coding. It also has an excellent graphical depiction of matched blocks, which is very useful when you have large blocks of text changed in weird ways.

The only thing it's missing is a zoomed out "map" of the changes, as can be found in software like Beyond Compare. This is only a minor deficiency, though.


What is DiffFork?

DiffFork is a diff tool for Mac OS X. DiffFork can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual format.

  • Block Guide and Scrolling in Sync.
  • Differences with Background Colors.
  • Visual Feedback.
  • Edit in Place.
  • Encoding Detection.
  • Word wrap