dict.cc is not only an online dictionary translating from English and German to 21 languages. Its an attempt to create a platform where users from all over the world can share their knowledge in the field of translations.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
dict.cc News & Activities
Highlights • All activities
Recent activities
- xela15 added dict.cc as alternative to DeutschDictionary
- POX added dict.cc as alternative to Kagi Translate
- gwrvan-barre added dict.cc as alternative to FreeDictionaryApp
- Bricolas added dict.cc as alternative to Lingvanex Translator for Windows
- POX added dict.cc as alternative to Lingo Translate
- mopsbublic added dict.cc as alternative to Textshuttle and ModernMT
- mopsbublic added dict.cc as alternative to Private Machine Translation
- Sav22999 added dict.cc as alternative to Word of the Day App
- amrkhaled8181 liked dict.cc
dict.cc information
AlternativeTo Categories
Education & Reference, Online ServicesApple AppStore
- Updated Sep 24, 2024
- 4.53 avg rating
Comments and Reviews
Until recently I would have given dict.cc 6 stars. However, in the last week or two the website's response has slowed to a crawl. Looking at it with uMatrix, it looks as though the site has recently acquired a lot of 3rd-party content (gadgets, scripts, etc.)
I like the communication between professionals
With Slicktionary from Thorsten Schleinzer you can lookup and translate words with a simple mouse click - no matter if you are using your Internet Browser, Microsoft Office, Open Office or any other Windows application. Slicktionary is the clever way to access the popular online dictionary http://www.dict.cc, which can be edited by the user community, similar the principles of Wikipedia. Slicktionary is not free as http://www.dict.cc/: for a single user license of Slicktionary you pay 19,-€. To use Slicktionary, hold down shift and right-click on the word you want to translate. Slicktionary will then show the translations of the word in a separate window.
(1) http://alternativeto.net/desktop/slicktionary/ (2) http://slicktionary.com/en:about:index
dict.cc - application for mobile devices and installation on iPhone or Palm see: http://alternativeto.net/mobile/dictcc/