Detroit: Become Human icon
Detroit: Become Human icon

Detroit: Become Human


Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near future where machines have become more intelligent than humans.

Detroit: Become Human screenshot 1

License model

Application type


  • Windows
  • Epic Games Store
  • Steam
  • Playstation
5 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Single player
  2.  Achievements Supported
  3.  Works Offline
  4.  Third person perspective

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Detroit: Become Human information

  • Developed by

    Quantic Dream
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Alternatives

    3 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Detroit: Become Human was added to AlternativeTo by braky on Jun 27, 2020 and this page was last updated Jul 1, 2020.
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What is Detroit: Become Human?

Detroit: Become Human, the latest and most ambitious video game production from Quantic Dream, is finally coming to PC! Featuring world-renowned actors like Jesse Williams (Grey’s Anatomy), Clancy Brown (Carnivale), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Bryan Dechart (True Blood) and Valorie Curry (Twilight), Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near and not-so-impossible future where machines have become more intelligent than humans. Every choice you make affects the outcome of the game, with one of the most intricately branching narratives ever created.

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