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Dealspotr is like Wikipedia for deals. We have 4x more working promo codes than any other coupon site. Tired of expired coupons? Dealspotr is community-driven and we show screenshots demonstrating how every code in our database works.

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Dealspotr, and it has gotten 15 likes

Dealspotr was added to AlternativeTo by kristin01 on Aug 8, 2014 and this page was last updated Mar 1, 2018. Dealspotr is sometimes referred to as BluePromoCode.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMay 21, 2016

It's better than the other coupon sites because they pay you in gift cards at Amazon for posting deals and commenting. It's the best deal site in 2016 IMHO.


What is Dealspotr?

Dealspotr's mission is to make finding great deals 10x easier. Since late 2015, we’ve saved shoppers over $15 million with the most advanced real-time deal sharing platform on the internet. By building the digital offers platform for the future, we aim to empower shoppers, influencers, and retailers to amplify their reach and resources to achieve their goals.

Dealspotr is like the Wikipedia of deals, with Google-like search capabilities. It is a crowdsourced platform, that rewards users for posting accurate deals - & we reward quicker than any other site. Our 30,000 members, made up of couponers, frugal lifestyle bloggers, and shoppers, add over 10,000 deals and make over 100,000 edits each day to ensure we have the industry's largest & most accurate database of coupons. On average, we will save you 17 minutes and 14 dollars each time you shop online.

This summer, we will complete the launch of our Open Brand / Influencer Marketplace. This will be a social platform unlike any other, where brands and merchants of any size can browse our influencer database and collaborate with them on campaigns. Influencers large and small will also have the ability to search for brands they love, and take on mutually beneficial projects through them.

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