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DCImanager icon



DCImanager is a platform for managing servers, racks, and data center equipment (such as routers, switches, sensors, PDU).

Main dashboard

License model

Application type


  • Linux
5 / 5 Avg rating (6)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Notifications
  2.  Inventory Management
  3.  Automated deployment
  4.  Disaster Recovery
  5.  Hardware Diagnostics
  6.  Remote server access
  7.  IPMI (Internet Protocol Management Interface)
  8.  Performance Monitoring
  9.  Search Server
  10.  OS deployment
  11.  Permission system
  12.  Centralized Management
  13.  Automated provisioning
  14.  PXE
  15.  Infrastructure monitoring

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DCImanager information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription ranging between $567 and $11330 per month.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 5
  • Alternatives

    33 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 6 comments and reviews about DCImanager, and it has gotten 65 likes

DCImanager was added to AlternativeTo by ISPmarketing on Apr 19, 2016 and this page was last updated Aug 11, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Vlad Smarrr
Top positive commentAug 11, 2020

DCImanager allows us to manage our entire server inventory through a single web interface, track server connections and bill for used Bandwidth and Power Consumption. Additionally it features great reinstallation and rescue functionality and custom OS templates can be created without much hassle.

David Parvenon
Positive commentAug 11, 2020

It's a fantastic solution for managing infrastructure of any size. With the release of the new version of DCImanager usability has increased many times, including for end-users. We have noticed strong tendency for users to perform simple operations independently.

Valera Dart
Positive commentAug 11, 2020

Our infrastructure is between 15 cities all over the world: Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Seoul and others. DCImanager allows to manage all this locations from a single UI.

Mary Fedo
Positive commentAug 6, 2020

They have changed the interface in new panel's version and fixed the bugs is had, we are now testing it and pretty satisfied with functionality and convenience

Positive commentAug 6, 2020

User-friendly interface, monitoring and notifications feature is great

Oleg Ray
Positive commentMar 28, 2019

Dcimanager is full featured control panel for dedicated servers, and support team is really great, always in touch, help you to solve every issue, really appreciate this!


What is DCImanager?

DCImanager is a platform for managing physical equipment, which helps to optimize the use of computing power, improve the efficiency of the IT department, and flexibly transform the infrastructure according to business tasks.

In a single web interface, the system allows you to keep inventory of equipment and monitor the occupancy of racks. The system also allows for remotely managing servers and power supply, configuring networks, quickly restoring the infrastructure after failures, and monitoring the load on equipment. DCImanager is compatible with the biggest part of popular vendors' equipment.

Features: • OS templates and software auto-installation scripts • Server diagnostics and recovery mode. • Network devices management and VLAN configuration • Power control • Servers and spare parts inventory • Traffic consumption statistics per server and rack • Automatic server search • Automatic server provisioning for infrastructure providers

The free version of DCImanager comes without any features limits for 30 days. Pricing depends on your infrastructure volume.

DCImanager — Get your equipment ready for launch!