DataWriter is an encoding and printing software the cards 125 Khz and 13,56 Mhz the most resulted the market: With just one software, encoded/printed your cards and configure the readers guaranteeing thus the confidentiality of the keys. This software to the many functionality, allows to configure and encoded all types of the RFID cards 125 Khz and 13,56 Mhz:
o Encoding multi-application / multi-files simultaneous.
Client / server : Standalone server or client with centralized management of encoding (requires a prior DataWriter Server version installation).
SDK : Using the SDK, you can integrate the encoding modules in applications.
Interface : Interfaced with numerous software of the control access and printing, he allow printing and enrollment automaticly of the cards.
Different encoding formats are available and the user has the possibility to create its own format (custom format) DataWriter offers innovative security features and ensuring the confidentiality of the key by SAM or HSM and supporting several diversification algorithms. Designed with a modular architecture, DataWriter can work independently with a remote database or not, or in client / server mode.
Contactless smart cards supported
MIFARE Classic®, MIFARE Ultralight® C,
HID iClass® (except page 0)
tags NFC.